18 Most Dangerous Jobs in the US [Update 2024]

Workers in jobs where they are vulnerable to dangerous substances, unsafe working conditions, or living situations due to a lack of dedication to operating standards are unquestionably exposed to more risk than other employees.

However, it may go without saying to the heroic individuals who risk their lives to make a livelihood; the question is if such earnings are adequate to support a family. But first, you should know why people are more inclined towards doing these jobs, 

  • These dangerous jobs require less of a Bachelor’s degree and more of a person’s capacity.
  • These jobs pay off a huge amount of money (beyond your imagination).

I am here to present to you some of the most dangerous jobs in the US that will make you wonder about your existence. 

1. Logging workers

Logging workers have one of the Most Dangerous Jobs in the US

The fatal injury rate is 111 per 100,000 workers. Annually, 56 people die as a result of their injuries. The most prevalent cause of death is exposure to things and equipment. Moreover, they are 38 liable to suffer a fatal injury.

Compared to the ordinary worker, the average yearly wage is $40,830. With over 100 on-the-job deaths in 2022, loggers had by far the most dangerous job in the US of any other occupation.

2. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers

The fatal injury rate is 53 per 100,000 workers. There are 70 people who die every year from their injuries. The most prevalent cause of death is transportation-related mishaps. Mainly, $138,690 is the average yearly pay.

Employees of these most dangerous jobs in the US are 15 times more likely to have a fatal accident than the median worker. However, these people must undergo significantly more comprehensive education and training to obtain jobs.

3. Derrick operators in oil, gas, and mining

Injury fatality rate : 46 per 100,000 workers. Every year, 24 people die due to injuries. The most prevalent cause of death is transportation-related mishaps. $31,190 is the average annual pay. Educational prerequisites: There is no official educational qualification.

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4. Roofers


The injury fatality rate :45 per 100,000 workers. Annually, 101 people die in the United States because of their injuries. Falls, slides, and trips are the most prevalent causes of fatal injuries. Mainly, $42,780 is the average annual wage. There is no need for official educational qualification.

The workers are twice more likely to get a fatal wound than the typical worker. Those who labor heavily on house construction and repair put themselves in jeopardy. Falls, slides, and trips are the fatal injuries in this line of work, which makes it the most dangerous jobs in the US.

5. Refuse and recyclable material collectors 

The fatal injury rate is 34.1 per 100,000 people. 31 people die every year due to their injuries. The most prevalent cause of death is transportation-related mishaps. Usually, $38,920 is the average annual pay. Nine times more likely than the ordinary worker to get a fatal injury.

The guys who collect our trash in the early hours of the morning do more difficult jobs than one may think. Like truck drivers or other personnel who use heavy transportation equipment, trash collectors are frequently exposed to increasing transportation accidents.

6. Structural iron and steelworkers

The injury fatality rate : 25.1 / 100 k. Injuries that result in death each year are over 16. Falls, slides, and trips are the most prevalent causes of fatal injuries. Mainly, $56,940 is the average annual pay. Seven times more probable than the ordinary worker to get a deadly wound.

Iron & steel employees operate at significant heights to build and strengthen complex structures, which necessitates the use of harnesses.

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7. Driver / sales workers and truck drivers

The fatal injury rate is 24.7 per 100,000 people and the average yearly pay is $39,790. Annually, 918 people die as a result of their injuries. Transportation accidents are the most prevalent source of catastrophic injury.

Also, seven times more prone than the ordinary worker to getting a deadly wound. With 918 fatal injuries every year, this occupation has the greatest amount of harmful damage on the list of most dangerous jobs in the US.

8. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers 

Fishers and related fishing workers

The fatal injury rate is 23.1 per 100,000 people. Injuries kill 260 people each year. Transportation accidents are the most prevalent source of fatal injury. The average yearly pay is $80,320.

Chances of having an accident are six times greater than a normal employee will. Farming & ranching are commonly inherited occupations, and working with the soil requires a great deal of perseverance and patience.

9. Construction trades & extraction employees’ first-line supervisors

Injury fatality rate : 18.0 / 100 k. Annually, 134 people die as a result of their injuries. Transportation accidents are the most prevalent source of fatal injury. Particularly, $69,200 is the average yearly pay. Five times more probable than the ordinary worker to get a fatal accident.

Supervisors in the building and extraction industries may make significantly more than their supervise workers. Still, statistics show that they are at a greater risk of death than most of their team.

10. Grounds maintenance workers

The fatal injury rate is 17.4 per 100,000 people. On average, 217 people die a year due to their injuries. The most prevalent cause of death is transportation-related mishaps. Primarily, $30,330 is the average annual pay.

Grounds maintenance employees have some of the lowest incomes on this list. Despite their low salary, they are likelier than ordinary workers to suffer a fatal injury.

11. Miscellaneous agricultural workers

The fatal injury rate is 17.4 per 100,000 people. Annually, 156 people die as a result of their injuries. Transportation accidents are the most prevalent source of catastrophic injury. Their average salary is $25,990 per year.

Call it less-than-ideal working conditions: agricultural employees have the 11th most dangerous jobs in the US and the lowest annual mean wage.

12. Mechanics, installers, and repairers’ first-line supervisors

The injury fatality rate is 15.7 per 100 k. For this work, 44 people die in the United States as a result of their injuries every year. Violence and many other injuries by people or animals are the most prevalent causes of death. Primarily, $68,120 is the average annual pay.

While being higher in the org chart & better rewarded than the merchants they oversee, first-line managers put themselves in danger in the workplace.

13. Construction laborers

The injury fatality rate is 15.1 for 100 k. Annually, 254 people die as a result of their injuries. Falls, slides, and trips are the most prevalent causes of fatal injuries. Mostly, $38,890 is the average annual pay. A construction laborer is four times more likely than the median worker to get a catastrophic injury.

Also, construction labor, prone to accidents, claims fewer lives than virtually every other occupation on this list. According to the statistics, 254 construction workers died in 2022.

14. Police and Sheriff’s patrol officers

The injury fatality rate in this job is 14.6 for 100 k. 108 people die per year from injuries. Violence and other injuries by people or animals are the most prevalent causes of death. Mostly, $64,490 is the average annual pay.

In recent years, intentional shootings have been blamed for increasing on-the-job fatalities among police enforcement officers.

15. Electrical power-line installers and repairers

The injury fatality rate is 14.6 every 100 k. Annually, 21 people die as a result of their injuries. The most prevalent cause of death is occupational or environmental exposure to dangerous chemicals or settings. $68,710 is the average annual pay.

It is 4 percent more common than the typical employee to get a fatal injury. A career that necessitates working at great heights might easily be named the most dangerous jobs in the US.

16. Highway maintenance workers

Workers in highway maintenance are tasked with the upkeep of a variety of roadways, including highways, roads, freeways, runways, and other forms of roads. They are able to carry out tasks such as filling in potholes, repairing railings and fences, replacing and repainting road markings, and clearing snow and ice off the roadway. These workers are responsible for a variety of additional responsibilities, including the repair of road signs, the maintenance of roadside shrubbery, and the resurfacing of roads.

17. Cement masons

Masons that work with cement provide finishing and smoothing services for concrete that has been poured into various forms, such as floors, roadways, and sidewalks, amongst other applications of concrete. These employees make use of both hand tools and power instruments in order to align the concrete forms and ensure that the concrete is smooth and durable.

Falls are the leading cause of death for cement masons, more so than any other cause. The Fatal injury rate of masons is 17 per 100,000 workers.

18. Small engine mechanics

Those who specialize in working on small engines, such as those found in lawn mowers, motorboats, and motorbikes, are known as “small engine mechanics.” These mechanics spend the most of their time working in repair shops, but they also devote a considerable portion of their time to performing service repairs outside of the shop in response to service emergencies. Accidents that occur while these workers are being transported are the leading cause of their deaths.

It is estimated that the mortality rates in these occupations are at least two times the overall mortality rate in the workforce. They also have a high risk of nonfatal occupational injuries, which is not considered. Moreover, the jobs serve as evidence that certain occupations are simply unsafe. 

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