10 Cloudiest Cities in the US [Update 2024]

Cloudiest Cities in the US

The title itself may seem very weird to begin with. Cloudiest cities in the US, like really? You might be thinking if this is actually the case or even this kind of environment exists? Well, it does.

There are some places which never see the face of the sun for months. Don’t you feel blessed now to be on the safe side of the earth? Or you might be residing there and still reading this.

Here goes a list of the cloudiest cities in the US.

1. Anchorage, AK


Fairbanks was excessively cold, and now you’ve gone to milder Anchorage to get your salmon canned. However, to do it in the sun, you’ll have just 126 days out of every year.

2. Seattle, WA


Seattle has very little day off. Well, that means very little cloudless days at your hand. However, you’ll presumably need to stand by until pre-fall to see some similarity to the sun, and that being said, it’ll just arrive at 65 degrees. Wager on 226 days of overcast spread.

3. Portland, OR


Portland is hip. However, not with regards to the sun. You can anticipate 222 days of mists every year. How miserably that is! This is one of the cloudiest cities of the US. 

4. Juneau, AK

Juneau is one of the Cloudiest Cities in the US

Juneau is the cloudiest city in the US. The Frozen North’s capital, and its mildest huge city, with temps equivalent to Seattle. It won’t snow much here. The snow might be just around 4 inches normal in January. However, take your Vitamin D, since you’ll be confronting 260 shady days every year in Juneau.

5. Astoria, OR


The sun just comes out toward the end which is like once a year. Hence, this is also known as one of the cloudiest cities in the US. There are 239 overcast days a year which is pretty frightening.

Check out this list of windiest cities in the US.

6. Binghamton, NY


While in transit to the Finger Lakes, you can go through this curious school town, with likely probably the best school in the SUNY framework. In any case, you need sun in Binghamton, you’ll just get it 153 days per year. Also, it snows here, as well. A great deal to enjoy your stay over here if you fall in love with the gloomy environment.

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7. Fairbanks, AK


Our first of the Pacific Northwest sections on this rundown, it’s presumably additionally the coldest, with yearly lows in January around 20-beneath. It is a shady 210 days in the cloudiest city of the US.

8. Buffalo, NY


The climate rolling in from Lake Erie isn’t beautiful. Heaps of snow in the colder time of year, and rough rains in the late spring. Wind, wind, and wind. You will be surrounded with those beautiful winds throughout the year. Furthermore, with that, wagered on 208 days of mists every year in Buffalo.

9. Missoula, MT


The home of University of Montana and the greatest city in the Western piece of the Big Sky state lamentably has its sky obfuscated more often than not. Yearly, you’ll just get 157 days of sun in Missoula. However winters are pretty mellow.

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10. Burlington, VT


Are you looking for sun in Burlington? Try not to rely on it. This cloudiest city in the US is shady 206 out of 365 days. Also, the snow begins in October and doesn’t stop until April.

The west coast urban communities of Portland and Seattle top the rundown of cloudiest huge urban areas in the United States. Generally, nine significant American urban areas have strong clouds for over 180 days per year. This statistics might be of some help when you plan to pay a visit to some of these places.

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