25 Highest Paying Jobs in Arkansas [Update 2024]

Taking an ideal career path is perplexing because there are so many options available for you. The funniest thing is I grew up dreaming of becoming something, and now I don’t know what I want to become.

I know you have also got the same feeling, but if you are indecisive about this and searching for a secure job, luckily in Arkansas, then here is a list of the highest paying jobs in Arkansas that will help you make the right decision for your future.

So, let’s check it out!

1. Obstetricians And Gynecologists

Obstetricians And Gynecologists are among the highest paying jobs in Arkansas because of the complicated nature of their careers. The average salary is $258,940. Also, the entry-level salary is $100,290.

2. Surgeons

Surgeons is one of the highest paying jobs in Arkansas

It is the second-highest paying job in Arkansas. The average salary is $227,080, and the entry-level salary is $92,920. A broad range of knowledge and dedication are the essential elements for a high-paying job career.

3. Psychiatrist


It is another highest paying in Arkansas. The average salary of this profession is $157,240, and the entry-level salary is $49,380.

These are the most renowned universities in Arkansas.

4. Judges, Magistrate Judges, And Magistrates

The average salary of this job is $157,170. It starts with $101,160 at the entry-level. Because of the bulk amount of responsibilities related to this job, it has become one of the highest paying jobs in Arkansas. 

5. Marketing Managers

Marketing managers work to expand the business. So they require a good payment for this reason. The average salary is $140,710. The entry-level salary is $67,240.

6. Sales Managers

It is another desirable job for the job holders in Arkansas. The average salary is $138,030, and the entry-level salary is $58,810.

7. Architectural And Engineering Managers

Architectural And Engineering Managers

The average salary is $134,690, and the entry-level salary is $89,150. They get high salaries are mostly due to their dedication and in-depth understanding of their respective fields.

These are the best community colleges in Arkansas.

8. Public Relations And Fundraising Managers

They work for public relations. The average salary range is $134,170, and the initial level salary range is $59,820.

9. Natural Sciences Managers

It is another top-rated job in Arkansas. Its average salary range is $125,910. Also, the initial level salary range is $54,140.

10. Computer And Information Research Scientists

It is another highly paid and prestigious job in Arkansas. The average salary range is $125,120. The entry-level salary range is $76,720.

11. Lawyer

Because of the high perceived value and extensive knowledge, lawyers can earn high wages. Their salary range starts from $119,000 to $388,000.

You might like to know about the top law schools in Arkansas.

12. Data Scientists

Not only in Arkansas, but the high demands of Data Scientists are also increasing worldwide. The average salary range of a Data Scientist in Arkansas is $113,530.

13. Bank Managers

Managing a bank while dealing with hundreds of millions of dollars in investments, threats, and dangers is a demanding profession that pays well. The salary ranges from $112,000 to $365,000 and because of their articulation and managing creativity, it has become one of the highest paying jobs in Arkansas. 

14. Chief Executive Officers

The ultimate success or failure of an organization mainly depends on the CEOs. The salary range of a CEO varies from $105,000 to $342,00. Their high wage is due to the huge scope of impact and the associated risks. 

15. Chief Financial Officers

Chief financial officers are in charge of overseeing the organization’s budgets, expenditures, and revenues. The salary range of a CFO may vary from $97,700 to $320,000

16. Orthodontists

Many individuals are ready to pay a premium salary for the services of orthodontists. The salary ranges from $94,200 to $308,000.

17. Information Security Analysts 

It is a very sensible and critical job. That’s why it pays a handsome amount of money. The average salary in this field is $89,500.

18. Pharmacists

Pharmacists deal with medicine production and formulation, which require lots of patience and hard work. So, it becomes a highly paid job. The initial stage salary is $85,210.

19. College Professors

College professors are among the highest-paid workers, but they also enjoy a high degree of professional prestige. It is not an easy task to become a college professor. Hard effort, perseverance, and patience are all required. The salary range varies from $83,800 to $274,000.

20. Nurse Practitioners

The increasing demand makes this job sector one of the highly paid. The entry-level salary of a Nurse Practitioner is $82,810.

Check out the top nursing schools in Arkansas.

21. Agriculture Manager

The average salary of an Agriculture Manager in Arkansas is $75,820. Also, the initial salary range is $48,520

22. Pilots

It is one of the exciting jobs which needs lots of rigorous training programs. The salary range ranges from $69,800 to $228,000. They have the responsibility to ensure the safety of more than a thousand passengers every single day.

23. Interior Designers

An interior designer’s salary rises as a result of their commitment, hard work, and expertise. Their starting pay is $42,670 at the beginning of their career.

24. Marketing Directors

Marketing Directors work hard to maximize the revenue of their companies. As they are directly responsible for expanding business, they are well paid.

25. Engineers

It is a vast field such as electrical engineer, industrial engineer, computer engineer, etc. They pay well because of the workload and extensive knowledge.

Going after the highest paying jobs will let you explore many fields and find a suitable job. Moreover, the perfect one will be personally and professionally satisfying. Regardless of the outcomes, there is no denying that the benefits of a high-paying profession deserve the hassle, and you will be qualified for your own growth. 

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