Top 13 Tallest Mountains in Alaska [Update 2024]


It’s difficult not to be contemplated by the Alaskan mountain peaks. When people think about Alaska, their thoughts jump to the spectacular Alaskan mountains immediately. The Alaska Range, home to the ten tallest mountains in the nation, offers fantastic views and unique geological formations.

Read about these ten tallest mountains in Alaska plan your next vacation in the wilderness.

1. Denali (6190.5 m)

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Denali is one of the tallest mountains in Alaska

“Denali,” a historic native Alaskan language, originates from Koyukon and meaning “the great.” Once known as Mount McKinley, it’s North America’s highest peak. The summit of the mountains in South-central Alaska is 6190 meters above sea level, making it the third-highest of the Seven Summits, the highest in each continent, after Mount Everest in Nepal and Aconcagua in Argentina. Situated at the top, this peak is 20,310 feet above sea level. It may be regarded as the third highest mountain in the world by one metric.

Denali’s actual elevation number of 6,190 meters was established in September 2015 by the U.S. Geological Survey due to a comprehensive re-measuring of the elevation of the mountains carried out using state-of-the-art technology earlier that year. Denali, owing to heavy weather and high vertical ascents, is considered very difficult to climb.

2. Mount Saint Elias (5489 m)

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Mount Saint Elias

Mount Saint Elias (18,008 feet) on the Canada – U.S. border (Alaska) is the second tallest mountain in Alaska. It is 70 miles (110 km) northwest of Yakutat, Alaska. North of the Malaspina Glacier rises the peak. The summit uprises only 10 miles (16 km) from the Taan Fjord head off Icy Bay, providing considerable vertical relief to the height. It is also near the sea, which lends Mt. St. Elias a record of wildly unstable weather in the Gulf of Alaska winds.

Steep hillsides, unrelenting weather, and its isolated environment make it North America’s most demanding mountaintop. On July 31st, 1897, the first ascent was conducted by the Duke of Abruzzi.

3. Mount Foraker (5304 m)

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Mount Foraker

Mount Foraker or Sultana, as the Athabascans know, rises contemptuously as the wife of Denali. It is the sixth tallest peak in North America and the third tallest mountain in Alaska at 17,400 feet. In 1899, Sultana was renamed Joseph Herron in honor of Ohio Senator Joseph Foraker. Mount Foraker, like Denali, is 17,400 ft. (5304 m) north and south, respectively 16,810 ft. (5124 m), respectively. The first climb was conducted in August 1934 via the Northwest Ridge via Charles S. Houston, Dr. T. Graham Brown, and Chychele Waterston.

As viewed from Anchorage to the south, the mountain lies in the Alaska Range as a massive twin peak towards Denali. Mount Foraker is approximately 3,000 meters lower, yet the hills seem the same. Foraker lies 14 miles southwest of Denali. The enormous Denali mountains dominate, and most of the highest peaks are enclosed by them.

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4. Mount Bona (5044 m)

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Mount Bona wins the spot in Alaska’s Wrangell-St. Elias Range. The Wrangell and St. Elias mountain ranges merge in the “North American Mountain Kingdom.” Mount St. Elias, at 18,008 feet, is the forth tallest mountain in Alaska.

The park preserve has the country’s most extensive glacier collection and most collection of 16,000-feet peaks. The range is distinguished by isolated mountains, valleys, untamed rivers, and animals. Highlights of this climb include the Klutlan Glacier (3200m), Mount Logan (6050m), Mount Churchill (4,766m), and Mount St. Elias (5,488m)

Mount Bona is a beautiful and challenging mountain to climb. Participants should have prior climbing expertise and be in excellent shape for a true Alaskan adventure.

5. Mount Blackburn (4996 m)

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Mount Blackburn

Mount Blackburn is the emperor of the Wrangell Mountains. It is one of the tallest mountains in Alaska in the Wrangell Mountains and is the most spectacular mountain. It is United States’ fifth tallest mountain – the twelfth in North America. It may be seen any clear day along the dirt route to McCarthy. Large icefalls and massively crevassed icecaps heavily secure the peak. Overall, the mount is an attraction for inopportune weather.

Mt. Blackburn has two peaks. The West Peak is the mountain’s highest peak, discovered in the 1960s by new survey work and improved USGS maps. On May 30th, 1958, Bruce Gilbert, Dick Wahlstrom, Hans Gmoser, Adolf Bitterlich, and Leon Blumer climbed the West Peak via the Northwest Ridge.

The NW Ridge and the N Ridge are two ways to go to 12,500ft. The NW Ridge is wind eroded and has a few hundred feet of A.I. 2-3. The N Ridge has difficult snow climbing, bergshrunds, and crevasses to traverse. There are a few places to bivy and camp along the route at 12,500ft and 15,000. The hill above 12,500 has an exceptional appearance.

6. Mount Sanford (4949 m)

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Sanford, Alaska’s sixth highest mountain, is located in the Wrangell Mountains, 200 miles northeast of Anchorage and 40 miles east of Glennallen. Sanford’s geology is unknown to volcanologists due to its continuous snow and ice crown. A ridge slopes up to the summit from the north, while a 7,200-foot cliff creates an arena to the south. The enormous amphitheater at the head of the Sanford Glacier climbs almost 2,400 m in less than 1,500 m.

Nine hundred thousand years ago, the mountain grew on top of three smaller volcanic rocks that merged. The mountain’s top 2,000 feet (610 m) seem to be a lava dome covering an enormous summit crater, despite the icefields. A linear rift vent is a linear rift with lightweight dacite and andesite intrusive, dike complexes, and vent deposits. Sanford hasn’t exploded in thousands of years, say, scientists.

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7. Mount Fairweather (4671 m)

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Fairweather is one of the tallest peaks on the earth, to any extent. Almost endless snowstorms hit the peaks, and it is very hard even to obtain an adequate glimpse of its elegant shape. Captain James Cook called the mountain on May 3, 1778, possibly because of the terrible weather.
It provides an excellent first mountaineering experience or a thrilling new challenge for seasoned climbers! But, of course, the main barrier to Fairweather’s climb is the weather. The first ascent of Fairweather was Allen Carpé and Terris Moore in 1931. 

8. Mount Hubbard (4557 m)

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Located to the west of Hubbard Glacier, Mount Hubbard is a prominent Saint Elias Range peak. It is the eighth-highest point in the United States and the twelfth in Canada. The Canadian side is in Kluane National Park and Reserve, while the American side is in Wrangell–St. Elias National Park. The mountain was listed after Gardiner Greene Hubbard, the first president of the National Geographic Society, by USGS geologist Israel Russell in 1890.

Mount Hubbard is the highest of three named summits: Mount Alverstone, Mount Kennedy, and Mount Alverstone. The margin between Canada and the USA runs nearly parallel to Alverstone and Hubbard, extending south to the Alaska panhandle and west to Mount Saint Elias. It also stands out for its high elevation. Mount Hubbard is seen from Disenchantment Bay. It’s a lengthy but non-technical path to the top, despite the west’s steep fall.

9. Mount Bear (4520 m)

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Mount Bear is located near the eastern edge of Barnard, nine miles north and 60 miles to the east of McCarthy, in the St. Elias Mountains, 4.7 miles west of the Canadian border. Mount Bear is the most important place in this area and ninth tallest mountain in Alaska. Mount Bear is the ninth tallest mountain in both countries, given that the ten most towering peaks in the US are in Alaska. Mt. Bear is seldom climbed due to its isolation and non-technical barrier.

The Bear Mountain rises above the Peter’s Creek region of Mirror Lake. It’s a concise yet steep walk. The path sees a constant stream of residents wanting to see the summit that rises above their town significantly. The top offers excellent views of the region.

10. Mount Hunter (4442 m)

Native Alaskans from the region named Mt. Hunter “Begguya,” meaning “Child of Denali.” Mount Hunter is the third-highest mountain in the Alaska range, 7,000 feet above the Kahiltna Glacier. It is surrounded by a vast glacial plateau that connects the North (Main) and the south (4,257m). Long, cornic ridges stretch in several directions, with highly steep slopes between them.

11. Mount Alverstone (4420 m)

Mount Alverstone, also known as Boundary Peak 180, is a mountain peak that is located in the Saint Elias Mountains on the boundary between the states of Alaska and Yukon. It is part of a huge massif that also includes the taller Mount Hubbard to the south and Mount Kennedy to the east, both of which are slightly lower.

12. University Peak (4410 m)

The Saint Elias Mountains in Alaska are home to a mountain with a summit known as University Peak. It is one of the fifty tallest peaks in the United States and one of the highest peaks in Alaska. In Alaska, it is one of the twenty summits with the highest elevation. It is possible that Mount Bona’s huge massif has a southern outlier in the form of this feature.

13. Mount Wrangell (4317 m)

In Ahtna K’et’aeni or K’edi when erupting, Mount Wrangell is a large shield volcano that may be found in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve in the southeast corner of Alaska, in the United States.

The indigenous Alaskans of the region named Mt. Hunter “Begguya,” meaning “The Child of Denali.” With the most rigid 14,000-foot peak in North America, few folks have attempted to climb, and fewer than 40% of the usual have graced the successful ones. It is tough to reach the highest north peak by any method and needs that demand maximum endurance, durability, and persistence.

Gigantic mountains solely control Alaska. They reach the snow that serves 100,000 glaciers. These jaw-dropping peaks that deserve extra consideration for their height and notorious climate condition may want you to pay a visit and enjoy your vacation in Alaska.

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